June 4, 2024

What to Have In Your Website Footer (With SEO & UX Tips)

The website footer, at the bottom of your landing pages, might seem like just a place to display copyright information, contact details, and a bunch of links. However when designed properly, the footer is a powerful SEO tool.

Footers are also valuable to your users. Studies have shown that if users are unable to find what they need in the primary menu navigation, they often scroll down to the footer to find their information next, proving its necessity.

Today we’re going to cover:

Why does the website footer matter?

Here’s how a well optimized SEO & UX footer can benefit you:

13 elements to include in your website footer

While not all website footers are identical, they should all serve as a navigational aid, a trust builder, and an SEO booster.

Let's dive into the elements to include in your website footer to ensure it's both functional and effective:

1. Navigation links

Your footer should feature links to key pages such as Home, About Us, Products/Services, Blog, and Contact. This provides users with easy access to important sections of your site, regardless of where they are on the website.

SEO & UX tips:

Screenshot of MailChimp's footer which shows their key links organized with a logical hierarchy.
Mailchimp footer

2. Contact information

Build trust and credibility by displaying your contact details in the footer, including details like your business address, phone number, and email address.

SEO & UX tips:

Screenshot of The Physio Co.'s footer showing clear contact information and address.
The Physio Co. footer

3. Logo

Including your company logo in the footer adds branding consistency and reinforces your identity across all pages of your website. It serves as a visual cue for visitors, helping them recognize and remember your brand.

SEO & UX tips:

4. Social media links

Encourage visitors to connect with you on social media platforms by including icons or links to your social profiles in the footer. This helps broaden your online presence and fosters engagement with your audience beyond your website.

SEO & UX tips:

Screenshot of's footer showing prominent social media links.
KARL Mission footer

5. Sitemap

Including a sitemap in your footer can provide users with a hierarchical overview of your website's structure and help search engine crawlers index your pages more effectively.

SEO & UX tips:

Screenshot of GitHub's footer which has an HTML sitemap link at the very bottom.
GitHub footer

6. Copyright information

Protect your content and intellectual property by including a copyright notice in the footer. This typically includes the copyright symbol (©), the year of publication, and your company name. It serves as a deterrent against unauthorized use of your content.

SEO & UX tips:

7. Privacy policy and terms of service

Compliance with privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA is crucial for any website. Include links to your privacy policy and terms of service pages in the footer to inform visitors about how their data is collected, stored, and used.

SEO & UX tips:

8. Email sign up form

Capture leads and nurture customer relationships by adding an email signup form in the footer. Encourage visitors to subscribe to your mailing list to receive updates, promotions, and exclusive content.

SEO & UX tips:

Screenshot of Best Buy's footer with a prominent email sign-up form.
Best Buy footer

9. Dynamic content and updates

Consider including dynamic content or real-time updates in your footer to provide visitors with fresh and relevant information, such as recent blog posts, upcoming events, or product recommendations based on user behavior.

SEO & UX tips:

Screenshot of Airbnb's footer with dynamic content (inspiration for future getaways).
Airbnb footer

10. Reviews

Incorporating customer reviews or testimonials in the footer can build trust and credibility with visitors, encouraging them to engage further with your website or products/services.

SEO & UX tips:

Screenshot of TheJewelHut's footer showing a TrustPilot badge that features their rating and the number of reviews recieved.
TheJewelHut footer

11. Search functionality

Including a search bar in the footer enables users to quickly find specific content or products on your website, enhancing usability and navigation.

SEO & UX tips:

Screenshot of CNN's footer showing a prominent search bar.
CNN footer

12. Trust badges

Include trust badges, logos or security seals in the footer. This could include certifications, affiliations with reputable organizations, or security seals indicating secure payment processing.

SEO & UX tips:

Screenshot of Squarespace's footer showing an accreditation.
Squarespace footer

13. Primary call to action (CTA) button 

Include a standout CTA button in your footer that directs users to take a specific action, such as contacting you for a consultation, scheduling a demo, or downloading a resource.

SEO & UX tips:

Screenshot of Loop11's footer which has a prominent Start free trial button.
Loop11 footer

Best practices for an optimized website footer

Finally, we leave with a few best practices for an optimized footer:

  1. Design and consistency

  1. Mobile responsiveness and accessibility

  1. Monitor and iterate


By implementing these strategies and best practices, you can maximize the SEO potential of your website footer while enhancing user experience and engagement.

Remember that SEO is an ongoing process, and regularly refining your footer optimization efforts will contribute to long-term success in driving organic traffic and achieving your business objectives. Additionally, user expectations and behavior are constantly evolving, so staying attuned to these changes and adapting your footer optimization accordingly will ensure that your website remains relevant and competitive.

Check out our blog for more web optimization resources. Or book a free consultation with our CRO experts to discuss how we can tailor a customized website strategy for your business.

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Alex Courselle, CRO Director at KARL Mission.
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